Many of us use macports to install common software that isn’t shipped by default on the mac.  After installing MacPorts, you may want to run the following to install many useful tools:


sudo -s

port install cmake +gui
port install doxygen
port install ffmpeg
port install ImageMagick
port install gnuplot
port install dialog
port install ncurses
port install xercesc3

port install graphviz-gui
port install qt4-mac
port install valgrind
port install getopt

#—— required for cantera ——
port install py27-scipy py27-matplotlib numpy py27-numpy py27-cython
port install scons

# latex
port install texlive
port install texlive-latex
port install texlive-xetex
port install texlive-latex-extra
port install texlive-fonts-recommended
port install texlive-lang-english
port install texlive-science
port install texlive-publishers
port install texlive-bibtex-extra
port install texlive-generic-recommended
port install texlive-latex-recommended
port install texlive-pstricks
port install latex2html
port install latex2rtf

port install rtf2latex2e

port install google-perftools

Categories: tips


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