James Sutherland is the primary system administrator for bigmac. Contact him with questions.


Logging In

You should be able to access bigmac using your UNID and campus password. If you plan to use X11 forwarding (e.g. to bring back a TotalView debugging window) you must login with the -Y option:

ssh -Y [unid]@bigmac.multiscale.utah.edu


Much of the installed software on bigmac is in /opt/local. You should modify your path to include:

  • /usr/local/bin
  • /opt/local/bin
  • /opt/totalview/bin for the totalview debugger.

Things like cmake are installed in /opt/local

Also, if you are using MPI, set your environment to define MPIRUN as


This will make the uintah local regression tester function properly.

There is a fair amount of software already installed on bigmac. However, if you need a system-level installation of any software, contact James.


Many of our codes have a dependency on Cantera.  We maintain our own version that has a few modifications to the main cantera development branch.  This has been installed in [code]/usr/local[/code].  Be sure to set the following environment variables:



This is required to convert .cti files to .xml files as cantera starts up.

If you are having trouble with Cantera on prism or aurora, look at




which has a number of other environment variables that you may want to set.

Mounted Disks

Your CHPC home directory is mounted and that is where you will land when you log into bigmac:

  • /uufs/chpc.utah.edu/common/home/[UNID]

Additionally, the CRSIM IBRIX space is NFS mounted at

  • /scratch/ibrix/icse

Finally, aurora and prism disks are mounted at

  • /scratch/local/aurora
  • /scratch/local/prism_fast
  • /scratch/local/prism_large

Disk Space

bigmac has 8TB total in local disk space. You should put data on the following disks (each is a 2TB disk):

  • /Volumes/scratch
  • /Volumes/scratch2
  • /Volumes/scratch3

Please note that these disks are NOT backed up. Also, please create a subfolder on those disks with your user name to make it clear who owns the data.


Feel free to use bigmac for computing, but try to avoid using the full resource, as this system is also used for regression testing.

Building Wasatch

Many of you are interested in using aurora to build Uintah. Here’s one approach to do so:

  • Create a working directory for yourself under /Volumes/scratch/. It is best that you call this directory by the first letter of your first name followed by your last name. Lets call this jdoe.
  • cd /Volumes/scratch/jdoe
  • checkout a fresh version of uintah: svn co https://gforge.sci.utah.edu/svn/uintah/trunk uintah. This will checkout the latest copy of Uintah and store it under .../jdoe/uintah
  • change directories to uintah: cd uintah
  • we will start by building an optimized version of uintah: mkdir opt
  • change directories to the optimized folder: cd opt
  • create a configure script: emacs uintah-configure-opt.line
  • paste the following:
    [shell]../src/configure \
      --with-mpi-include=/usr/local/include \
      --with-mpi-lib=/usr/local/lib \
      --with-boost=/usr/local \
      --enable-wasatch \
      --enable-wasatch_3p \
      --with-hypre=/usr/local \
      --without-fortran \
  • make your configure line executable: chmod +x uintah-configure-opt.line
  • execute your configure line: ./uintah-configure-opt.line
  • wait…  if unsuccessful, you will see a lot of errors 🙂
  • now build!  make -j 4
  • To build in debug, create a directory called dbg and a new configure line uintah-configure-dbg.line.
  • You will need to replace --enable-optimize='-O3' with --enable-debug and you’re good to go.

1 Comment

Backup Data to Google Drive | Multiscale Modeling Software · February 5, 2016 at 2:07 PM

[…] bigmac […]

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