Each software project here has a continuous build/test system, doxygen-generated documentation of the code, and is hosted using our local git repositories.
There are several libraries developed in Professor Sutherland’s research group that aid in developing applications:
- SpatialOps (repository, build/test system, documentation) – a library for performing calculations on fields and particles on structured meshes that includes our domain specific language, Nebo.
- Expression Library (repository, build/test system, documentation) – a powerful library that allows applications to be written as tasks and includes schedulers, etc. for deploying complex applications on heterogeneous architectures.
- PoKiTT (repository, build/test system, documentation) – a library for Portable Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Transport calculations.
- TabProps (repository, build/test system, documentation) – a library for tabular property evaluation suitable for use in reacting flow CFD solvers.
- RadProps (repository, build/test system, documentation) – a library for computing radiative heat transfer properties in high-temperature gas mixtures. Also includes support for particle-laden gases.
- NSCBC (repository) – a library for implementing characteristic boundary conditions in structured solvers (depends on SpatialOps & ExprLIb)
- Wasatch (documentation) – a highly flexible, multiphysics simulation tool that for solving systems of coupled partial differential equations on extreme-scale computers. Wasatch uses all of the libraries listed above to improve portability, efficiency, robustness and maintainability. Information on building Wasatch can be found here.
- ODT (repository, build/test system, documentation)- implements an eulerian version of the One-Dimensional Turbulence Model.
- LBMS (build/test system, documentation)
- Flamelets